6 weeks of rest

I had a surgery last month and spent 6 weeks living in-on-at the sofa. Managed to crochet and knit a lot, which is always something. Now I can walk around the block again and look forward to taking the camera with me and shoot good old Berlin.

This pair of sockslippers is available here.

Made three pairs of Wrist Worms this style. They took ages to make and I really like the result. The pair to the left looks a bit too rough in this picture, look at more accuare ones here. The pair to the right, you find here.

This pair has moved to the States.

AND: I take beanie orders!! 28 different colours!

Also, as written in the previous blogpost - I have made sockslippers for newborns/babies - a great gift for babyshowers!

Any questions?


Everything must go!

